H1B Salary Distributions
Eugen Tarnow February 2 2017 11:45:46 AM
By Eugen Tarnow, Ph.D.Avalon Business Systems, Inc.
The salary distributions of H1B workers - for single applications looks like this. The most common salary is $60-65,000.
For applications with two workers needed at the same time the distribution narrows and, again, the most common salary is $60-65,000 per year.
In Silicon Valley the distribution for single applications is centered around $100,000:
For applications with two workers it is much lower with the most common salary between $75-80,000:
In New York City, the single application distribution is as follows:
and the two-worker application distribution is:
The most common salary in the second case is $70-75,000.
Cognizant typically applies for 30 workers at a time. For those applications the salary distributions look like:
The most common salary is $60-65,000.
The data was taken from https://www.foreignlaborcert.doleta.gov/performancedata.cfm using fiscal year 2015 and when the employer gives a range in pay, the lowest number was chosen.
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